Right now, emergency broadcasts are going crazy!

All happening right now! It could be another false flag to get the USA to do more Jewish biddings, or, at best, another nothing-burger. Hey, it may turn out to be the big cyber plandemic the Jews are orchestrating, that will be blamed on hackers and the solar flare. Or, like I said, it could be nothing. Or, it could be the Israeli Sampson Option.

I don’t know, buddy, but some kind of Jewish wizardry is afoot.


So, it is being reported that the Slovakian president, or, Prime Minister (I don’t know which) was just put into a medically induced coma. Also, Egyptian forces have just advanced into the Sinai peninsula as an act of war against the rats (aren’t they allies?). Smells like a Sampson Option is brewing. Doomsday and nuclear war planes are in the air, tonight, so, it could be big. Or, it could be nothing. I hope you got your bug-out gear ready.

Stay tuned


US secretary of state, faggot ass boomer, Anthony Blinken, gave Ukraine the green king to launch a strike against Russia using US weapons.