Yeah, folks. It’s me. I’m still here. Still paying attention to the Jewish wizardry that’s going on around the world. There’s Jewish sorcery wherever you turn these days, right?

It’s on your TVs in the Jewish mainstream media, on your computers and phones in the Jewish controlled “alternative media”, in the sky (weather), your local water tables and electrical grids, local politics, your local schools and universities, local police departments, local governments and the boomer morons therein. Whew! It’s overwhelming when you think about it and this is why I walked away months ago.

As I explained back then, it is better for each of us to simply turn off everything and enjoy life. Paying no mind to the Jewish psyops going on around you (it’s primarily in the media) is the best thing any of us can do. It is refreshing and liberating and the best part is, the withdrawals are minimal.

Occasionally, it’s okay to take a peek here and there as opportunity provides itself. But, peace of mind is unparalleled. And this is what this is. I’m taking a peek. I’m back for a bit and I promise to give you guys at least 2 articles a day, for the next month, simply to catch you guys up on my takes on the Phoenician insanity and many other topics. Most importantly, I’m back to tell you, “I told you so!”

(It’s a joke. Laugh bitch!)

Yeah, the psyops keep rolling out as I said they would, Canada has gone full communist (bill C-63), the United States is still pandering to Jews and is spiraling out of control into an economic hell hole, music industry celebrities are being ousted and left holding the bag to protect Jews and their political cohorts and Netanyahu pretends to be under scrutiny of the ICC.

Indeed, there’s lots to discuss.

Let’s get the show on the road!