So, you know how last night the entire US airforce was on high alert? Nuclear alert to be exact! Well, it seems like while all of that was going on the following was taking place in Cuba. Have a look.

It seems. No confirmations, yet, but, I wouldn’t be surprised by any of this. This is indeed what your “leaders” have in store for you.

The plan is definitely to roll out UBI and CBDCs and all these wars are merely test scenarios for what’s to come. Yes, you read that correctly. All the pilot programs are being tested, right now, under our noses.

In other news, Peru has supposedly taken a stand against faggotness and the Jewish influences behind it.

It has also been reported that water is now legally recognized as wet, too, in Peru.

The only problem with this bullshit is that the government had to get involved and make this official. The state has spoken. It must be true, then. They act as if they’re doing something on behalf of the people, for the people. They simply just cannot leave people the fuck alone.

Remember, this is a very serious problem they have created. Now, they’re acting as if they’re offering up a solution. And the dumbasses will forfeit every single time. They can’t seem to comprehend that the more you rely on or use government, the bigger government becomes. We must never forget what government really is. Government is just people. Retarded, power hungry, people y nada más. CIA/Mossad coup incoming!

All future American aid to Peru will be denied until quotas of trans kid surgeries are met and the knee has been bent to globohomo. “This is an attack on our democracy!”

“This is a threat to our national security.”

The USA will, without a doubt, bomb Peru to protect trannies.

Moving along. Next, we have Israel sending IDF and Mossad agents onto US soil to assassinate pro-Palestinian protestors (check out my alliteration, guys. I’m back!) and sympathizers.

Prominent Italian chef Gabriele Rubini (known as Chef Rubio) posted on his account on “X”, revealing that a group of zionists ambushed and attacked him outside his home over his support for Palestine.

“They waited for me outside my house, six of them, and cut the gate wires to massacre me”.

I’m not going to get into this, here, in this article. This deserves its own piece. There is too much going on with regards to Jews attacking and harming Americans on American soil.

Yes, all of this shit is going on while you rest sweetly in the suburbs. The Jewish mainstream media news outlets won’t report any of this. America is fast becoming like the Jewish hellscape the rats have created in the middle east and as I’ve already predicted, this year being an election year, the presidency rests on who is the biggest Shabbos goy.

Good day to you all