This just in.

This badged faggot got his job transfer and a hefty pay raise for helping to clean up the scene at the Las Vegas shooting.

You know how it goes. We “conspiracy theorists” ran out of conspiracy theories because, to date, they’ve all come true. Now, we just see psyops everywhere!

Some retards would go so far as to connect dots that aren’t even there and make shit up.

Disinformation agents the likes of Alex Jones are claiming the Maui fires being due to Blackrock; the residents refused to sell their properties to the mega corporation. I think this is highly improbable. Frankly, the notion is retarded, because the insurance payouts would be insane. The only way this would hurt the homeowners is if it was arson and they would have to prove it was. Climate-change hoaxers aren’t willing to do such a thing—risk dismantling the narrative. Could this end up bankrupting insurance companies and perhaps Blackrock swoop in and buy up whatever is left? Sure, but there’s no certainty behind any of these claims. Alex Jones is a retarded, controlled opposition Boomer.

In any case, we can’t get the whole story straight. Some people are saying half the island was destroyed, while others are saying the entire island. If it’s half, then we can assume that the Kamaʻāina homes and lands were destroyed and the wealthy’s stayed intact. Yet, this is all speculation and we have nothing to go off of.

In my last article, at the end, I attempted to link a video showing DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) activity, but, the shit won’t load. Here’s a link to download the file.

All kinds of wild theories are floating around. This political battle between the locals and corporations over land in Oahu and Maui and even the Big Island has been going on forever. My family, before the pandemic hoax, vacationed there twice a year, since I was a child and the Kamaʻāina have always been at odds with developers. The last time I was there, back in 2018, violence erupted on the H1 over some bill that passed that allowed development on the west side of Oahu. Yet, there were no EnMod attacks. None that I’m aware of, at least. All of this could have been done back then. Why now? Were the recent fires as a result of a Jewish Space Laser? Perhaps. I wouldn’t doubt it, because EnMod (Environmental Modification) technology is very real and have been used one too many times in the recent past. New York, Texas and California, to be specific, with their “alarming” and “unprecedented” weather changes.

Still, we must be very careful with the crazy, Christian Boomer kookery that is going to emerge out of this disaster. In addition, we can rest assured that none of this is a natural disaster as the powers that be want us to believe. It is certainly not as a result of global warming, climate-change or any of the buzzwords the IPCC and its charlatans would have us repeating.

On one hand there is “Climate Change” that is supposedly anthropogenic—caused by humans and emissions of carbon dioxide and fossil fuels “into the earth’s atmosphere”. This Climate Change is an elaborate hoax, but it gets tricky, still, because anthropogenic climate change is real, because very evil people have the capacity and technology to modify the weather so as to deceive the very elect and murder billions in the interim. It has nothing to do with us, little people, who drive our vehicles to and fro, but the governments and militaries around the world who possess this technological power.