Even though I’m not surprised, this made me throw up in my mouth.

It’s right on time, too. We know how this goes, because we’ve seen this movie hundreds of times.

Hey, remember that debt-ceiling argument we’re still having? You know, the one that goes like this: print another $100Bn for the Jews and have another debt-ceiling charade in November. All you have to do is “raise the debt-ceiling”. Got it, goy? Good goy. Now back to work. What’s that? You’re worried about inflation? Don’t worry about that, goy. Just give them $100,000,000,000,000. Who fucking cares anymore? Give them everything we have. Give them all of our social security, confiscate all guns and ammunition from American citizens, now, before they get upset and retaliate. Empty all food stores. Well, at least make foods unaffordable. Weapons manufacturers will survive the recession while average goy will have to pay off the debt.

America is the Jewish golden goose. A pay pig. The goyim funded by the Jews running this country, are beyond despicable.

Why not a quadrillion each? Why is Biden cheaping out? Do Americans just not care? You pieces of shit! So, it’s settled. A quadrillion dollars to Ukraine and 6 decillion dollars to Israel.

As I’ve written before in other articles on Ukraine becoming “The New Jerusalem”, America is on its way out, and Jews are wringing her dry. Guess what? Americans will do absolutely nothing about it.

They’ll find all sorts of reasons to justify and go along with this insanity. All just to not appear to be outside of the norm.

What do you mean? Jews deserve this money. After all, Hamas beheaded 40 babies.

To pacify the masses, we should expect a stimulus package, $1,000 to $1,200, per family.

Still, we cannot afford to allow ourselves to be carried away and fooled. What we are witnessing is the justification for getting rid of Biden and the “needed” return of Trump. All of this is setting the groundwork for the narrative and tone of 2024. Get the masses upset and give them “choices” to make them feel they are in power and in control.
