Here is an excerpt taken from a cunt’s blog; a cunt who has been lurking and stalking my blog:

At its essence, narcissism represents a multifaceted personality trait marked by an excessive self-love, an insatiable craving for admiration, and a conspicuous absence of empathy towards others. Narcissists often perceive themselves as unique and entitled, consistently placing their own needs and desires above all else.

Well, what do you know? The cunt literally just described women, but is too retarded to see she did. This is just the nature of cunts.

The cunt goes on to define narcissism:

Narcissism extends beyond mere self-admiration; it weaves a complex tapestry of entitlement, victimhood, and even conspiracy theories. At its core, narcissism involves crafting a narrative in which one assumes the role of the hero

I’m not mad that the cunt stole shit from my blog. What I’m upset about is the fact that the cunt is so narcissistic and incapable of self-reflection, that it cannot see that it is describing women, avidly. Oh, and jews. After all, the cunt quote-mined and reworded my previous article about Jewish Chosen-ness.

Such is the case with cunts and Jews, though. They do not originate thought nor anything novel on their own merits. They merely wait at the finish line to claim victory and prowess.

“Princess”. There’s no narcissism there.